Saturday, December 15, 2007

ASP *Last yarn for the time...*


It reads... 26th Yarn

"Go in... They say east, go east. They say west, go west. They ask you to sit, you sit. Don't argue. They say east, you go west, then sure kena trouble." - Father


Yesterday, I was still playing around... Now I am going in.


8 1/2 more hours.

BMTC Tekong School 1.

Yi Cong is going in with me. Pray for me guys. =)

My sailor scouts bade farewell to me, like I am going to die inside...

My sailors never really did anything, which I don't really bother also...

My dad, as usual, still silently help me buy stuffs.. and passed me 100 bucks for me.. "for you to survive inside..." Like I can bribe anyone inside. But nevertheless, I'm grateful. I didn't know what to say. But perhaps it's the last 100 bucks he will be giving me. hahaha..

What I really cannot put down, are my duties in NRC, Southernwaves, studies... If there is a way to pave a way nicely for them, I would hope ah gong will help me with it.

"Go in with what you believe in..." - Ben Ang, someone new whom I knew through Adult Leaders' Annual Dinner yesterday night. Quite true.. We have to. Be it to ward off bad things or perservere inside. If not, you really go crazy inside.. hahaha..

Ok... I dunno what am I feeling right now. No signs of excitement, no signs of nervousness, no sign of sadness... It's just a day after another. I guess I have been too used to this type of life. Ok la, go in garang... but at the right time. I guess I will be more of the motivator. What for run so fast... or so good. Your mates need you inside and I think you need them too. So no one man show! =)

Ok la. I'm positive about it... and I'm quite looking forward to it =) I hope everything will be fine. Another man going in the Army. Botak. Garang. Bang bAng baNg! hahaha.

Take care everyone. =)

~signed off~

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

ASP *Weekly dose of Ikkitousen (一骑当千)

Ahoy... Week 2

Ikkitousen, Season 2, Episode 2

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Enjoy the butt-kicking anima once more!! =)

ASP *Weekly dose of F.U.N*


Two talking cats... Interesting...

Maybe they should have taught the rest so that they can communicate peacefully among themselves... =) enjoy.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

ASP *Weekly dose of Ikkitousen (一骑当千)


Sailors are known for their lustful actions... But well, I feel anime are better... Especially with IkkiTouSEN!!! =)

Enjoy... brought to you by, (

Ikkitousen Season 2: Episode 1

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

Brought to you by

ASP *What if you are graded this way???*


It reads... 25th Yarn

"Sea Scouting: The sun, the sea, the sand, pipes, oakley, nalgene, rum, simplicity... and ah gong bless you... =)" - ASP

What if you are graded this way? Wouldn't it be great for most of you??? =)

Grade F - Fabulous

Grade E - Excellence

Grade D - Disastrous

Grade C - Catastrophic

Grade B - Bo wei gong...

Grade A - Atrocious

Hmmm... What about Grade U???

Unbeatable... =) hehe...

Somehow along the way, I came across this word, unmentionable, which means cannot be mentioned.

Guess what unmentionables mean??


Old english for U.N.D.E.R.W.E.A.R!!! ha...

Enjoy.. =)

~signed off~

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

::Weekly dose of D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N by ASP::

PaPa told me I have to be strong and carve a destiny for myself...

Maybe give birth to a healthy bunch of kids to repay his kindness to me... :D

ASP *End of the Beginning... Or maybe it's just the start of the end...*


It reads... 24th Yarn

"My lecturer looks like Adolf Hitler!!!" -ASP

hmmm, been so long since I've updated this dusty, waterlogged entry...

So much have happened, among friends, myself, the group, etc... So much to write... but memoriee are often more vivid than words... =)

Project Rigel, finally, it's over... well, wonderful experience for me. I was cradling like like my baby initially... but sometimes, when more people come to carry your baby, and it never seems to come back, somehow you will lose your belonging for it. During the process of evolution in the Project, I saw how it transformed from my baby, back to a simple minded embryo that doesn't seemed to grow out of it, so sad. But well, credits were taken away. Few recognised my efforts... I guess life's this way.. isn't it?

I thought it would be a free week for me... But NO. Next comes the Bukit Timah & Jurong District Cub Scout Campfire... ArGh, I'm the emcee again... Clown clown clowN.
Tired, lethargic, unprepared, flustered... Tristan and I went up the stage. Luckily the response was good, or superficially good. Well, you never know what the rest would say behind you... But all done with utmost sincerity from heart. All for the betterment of Scouting. =)

Another week came with Zouk and Splash Axis sports exhibition booth at Suntec Convention Centre... almost drained... A.L.M.O.S.T drained. It was at the booth when the idea of Cardinal 4 lit up. It's going to be a challenge especially when watersports are deemed dangerous due to some irresponsible water people always trying to bend the rules... Stakes are high, but returns, hoepfully, will be high too... in the next few years to come. Cardinal 4 - where experience are re-created, where friends are re-made... =)

Zouk was great.. *grins mischieviously* Waa... all the girls.. seems like transported back to when I always frequent clubs either for competitions or mingle around, grinding~ hehe... but didn't managed this time round cua youngsters nowadays are getting out of hand. No manners.. no dance floor etiquette.. must share right... oh my god.. stop hogging her to yourself like she's going to be your wife.. Screw it man~ Everybody does ONS back there, zZz..

Finally... The week's over.. photographs. SiiAn blog. I thought I would be able to provide wonderful photographs once out at sea... Hopes are dashed. For some might not know, I'm called up. went to medical checkup, went to the MP for plea in deferment, went to cmpb YET again to clarify. But it seems mandatory that I have to go. Career Crash I would say. Now I have to withdraw from the course after my current semester. I seemed such a failure, just when I wanted to study and go sailing, all these shit happens. But then again, cannot blame on others. Only me, and only me to be blamed. **@&#&&*(&@*

Well... Just some updates for I really do not know what to update this time.. Life seems like a halt for me at the moment. Somehow lost? Been coming down hard on my brothers recently in Scouting... I hope you guys understand from my point of view in doing things. Thanks~

All RumS~ cheers =)

~signed off~